CHD: storm damage, "critical hit damage," the abbreviation "CD" is more commonly used. See: "CD".
Commodity: Commodity, usually refers to the bulk items (especially in the auction house to sell), for example, the page, and precious stones.
Cookie Cutter: conventional play, typically used to describe a regular role plus point play, proved to be very reliable in the case of the vast majority of the game play.
Crit: Crit is an abbreviation of "critical hit chance". See: "CC" and "CD."
CM: critical mass, "Critical Mass," the abbreviation, which is a passive skill of the Master. It is mainly used to significantly reduce the cooldown crit. See: "CC" and "CD."
C / O: quote, the abbreviation for the "current offer", which is a term used in the transaction, is used to describe the players bid on an item. See: "OBO".
Danetta: Dani Radha's Creed suit the abbreviation for "Danetta" packages including Dani Da blame evil and Dani Da revenge two demon hunter exclusive single hand crossbow.
DH: Demon Hunter, the abbreviation of "Demon Hunter" is an agile remote role in Diablo 3.
DM: Dead heritage, "Dead Man's Legacy," an abbreviation, which is a dedicated high-grade demon hunter legendary Quiver.
DOT: continuing injury, is an abbreviation of "damage over time", refers to the skills or abilities, damage caused by X in Y time.
Doubled It: double word from the Diablo 3 game director Jay Wilson told IGN interview:
"Internally, we have such the super Niubi sparkling test group - we Blizzard has a lot of high-end players - to test purgatory, then I adjust to them that the point of challenging enough, Blizzard's Jay Wilson told IGN said. "Then we (then difficulty) double. Because we know that, no matter how strong we are, our players will always be stronger. Focus on maximizing difficulty."
For mass group of players, this sentence is now mainly used to open some irrelevant or bitter joke, such as "I go to McDonald's, point a cheeseburger ... and then double or auction house fees should is 7.5%, but the Blizzard to double it. (See: "Tinfoil hat").
DPS: Damage Per Second, an abbreviation for "damage per second". This reaction is usually a role in the overall attack ability.
DS: Diamond skin, playing an abbreviation for "Diamond Skin" or instantaneous shadow for "Dashing Strike" abbreviation, former Master of the skills, which Monks skills.
DW: dual wielding abbreviation for "dual-wield" means a role equipped with two one-handed weapons.
E: elite, an abbreviation for "elite". The cooperation game players usually type "e" to inform their players suffered elite. The same applies to the champion and rare monsters. See: '1 '.
EA: energy armor, the abbreviation of "Energy Armor", a mage own skills. See: "FA" and "PA." Not to be confused with the EA.
EHP: effective blood volume, the abbreviation for "effective hit points" or "effective health the pool." This reaction is usually a role in the overall defense capability.
Epeen: loading force, the abbreviation of "electronic penis". The word is usually with such words such as "show off", "bragging" or "show off" means that players exaggerate their strength or ability, usually boasted on the Internet with a condescending attitude.
Epic fail: failed, when a player or a team of other factors in the game content or the game disappointed. Often caused due to death. See: "Fail."
FA: power armor, the abbreviation of "Force Armor", which is the Master's own energy armor runes. See: "EA" and "PA."
Fail: failure, used to describe the feeling of a player or a team game. See: "Epic fail."
Farm: brush brush used to describe kill monsters to obtain items and loot behavior. See also: 'Gear,' 'Loot' and 'Run.'
FOT: ponley boxing, abbreviation for "Fist of Thunder", the monks of exclusive skills.
FT: In exchange, the abbreviation of "for trade" refers to a player used to exchange items with other players. See also: 'ISO' WTS,'' WTB 'and' WTT. '
g: Goblin abbreviation for "goblin", sometimes abbreviated as "gob". In cooperative game, players use this word to remind his teammates found a treasure goblins.
GAH: gold auction house, an abbreviation for "gold auction house." This is the default auction house in the game, so the items can gold be bought here. Participate: "RMAH."